Friday, March 9, 2012

Is it a Resolution or just a Goal?

I have gotten the itch to organize more and to start/finish projects that I have wanted to do.  This started at the beginning of the year, so I don't know if you'd call it a resolution or if it's just another "project" for me to do or not do. Either way, I have begun. 

My plan is to go through each room/closet in the house and take everything out, go through it and reorganize it to make it easier to find and use.  And as I am in each room I am completing projects that I have wanted for that particular room. Since I'm new to this blog thing, I forget to take pictures. So you will just have to believe me when I say that I have redone my closet, my dresser drawers (like you'd want to see that anyway) and my coat closet. The closet that never ends. It goes all the way back under the stairs, so lots of junk gets shoved in there. 

I did remember to take pictures of my next project though. That is of pillows that I have done for my older two girls rooms. I have had a very difficult time finding decorative pillows that match the colors of their rooms. So I decided that I would make some. Well that has been a challenge too, because I still had issues finding the right colors.  I happened to be in Ross shopping when I had the idea to check for pillowcases that may work. And what do you know, I found some for both of their rooms. So without further rambling here are pictures of the pillows and their rooms:

(Yes those are Christmas lights draped around the room. She wanted the lights, but I didn't have any with white cords, so she got the green cords until next Christmas when I can get some with white)

I have always liked the bulletin boards at PB Teen, but did not like the $300+ price tag. So I made each of my girls one. I make them a couple of years ago, before starting the blog, so I don't have a tutorial or all the details. Sorry!! (If you are really interested, email me and I can give you as much info as I can) 

And of course what teen age room wouldn't have posters?

Here is how I made them:

My fabric came from two king size pillow cases, 
so I don't have the exact amount if you are purchasing it by the yard.

For the bow pillow, I used the tutorial from
I made my mine 16x16 pillow forms so these are the measurements of the pieces I used:
1 - 16 1/2" x 16 1/2" square (for the front)
2 - 11" x 16 1/2" rectangles (for the envelope back)
2 - 6" x 18" rectangles (for back of bow)
2 - 6" x 22" rectangles (for bow loops)
2 - 2 1/2" x 5 1/2" rectangles (for center of bow)
NOTE: she uses 1/4 inch seam allowances - allow 1/2 inch more to each measurement if you want to have 1/2 inch seam allowances

For the gathered pillow, I got inspirations from
but there wasn't a tutorial, so I had to wing it. This is how I did mine:

1 - 12" x 16" pillow form
2 - 10" x 13" rectangles (for envelope back)
1 - 33 1/2" x 13" rectangle (for the gathered front)
NOTE - I highly recommend using 1/2 inch seam allowances when working with the gathered edges. It gives you more room to work with.

First I got the back "envelope" ready by folding down and pressing 1/4 inch, then folded it 1/4 inch again.
Then sewed along the inside edge.
Then laid them out, overlapping the center, so that I had 17" in length. I also placed a pin at the center and quarter marks. This is to help space out the gathering so that it is more equal.
Baste stitch along the top and bottom edges of the front. Pin the center and quarter marks.
Gather, matching up the center and quarter mark pins as you go. Pin all four sides, then sew.
Turn right side out and insert pillow form. Spread fabric across until you have the desired folds that you want.
Didn't they turn out soooo cute!  
One of my daughters was half-hearted about the pillows before I started them, 
but once I finished, she really liked them.

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